Wasp Removal Newcastle

Wasps, bees, and hornets are the same kinds of insects, but they are different in their appearance. All of these insects might sting you. Both bees and wasps belong to the same order, Hymenoptera, and class, Insecta. This order also includes insects such as ants, but they won’t sting.

All Pest Control provides wasp removal services on the same day in Newcastle. The removal of wasps takes place after a thorough inspection of the deteriorated area and then applying the right technique. Both residential and commercial areas are handled by our experts. While performing services, we ensure that all safety regulations are adhered to.

All of Pest Control’s wasp removal workers are certified and experienced to handle all kinds of wasps. We strive to solve pest problems around the clock. Our wasp extermination services are offered promptly in all areas of Newcastle. We use advanced tools and methods to remove wasps completely.

Difference Between Bees, Hornets and Wasps

The main difference you can notice is that bees can sting once, but wasps can bite you more and more. Once bees sting you, they go away, but once a hornet or wasp stings you, they will sting you over and over again.

The two most common types of bees are Manitoba and honey bees. They are fuzzing, fine insects with yellow and black stripes. They look best fuzzy, whereas wasps are those insects that look much like a machine, like a killer with shiny black and yellow stripes.

Hornets are larger than bees and wasps. Typically, the size of a bee varies from 0.08 inch to 1.54 inch, whereas the size of a wasp varies from 0.25 inch to 1 inch. Bees generally feed on flowers for their nectar, but hornets and wasps are scavengers that feed on other insects for their food. There are fun facts about how only female wasps can sting. Another fact about bees is that they will only make 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in their entire lives. Hornets are special types of wasps and are usually a little rounder and fatter than the common wasp.

Facts about Wasps

There are 30 thousand identified species of wasps. You can tell the difference between wasps and bees because they have pointed lower abdomens and narrow waists called petioles, which separate their abdomens from their thorax. Among the 30 thousand species of wasps, there is every colour imaginable, from the feminine yellow to brown metallic, blue, and bright red. Generally, the brighter-coloured species are in the Vespidae, or steam wasp, family. All wasps build nests with wood fibres to make paper dwellings; they get their wood fibres by scraping their hard mandibles, which are wooden objects, and chewing them into a pulp.

Symptoms of Wasp Sting

Generally, the stings of insects belonging to the Hymenoptera category are allergic to the skin. Some people may get allergies from wasp stings, whereas others may not, but they may still experience redness, pain, and local swelling in that area. There are some significant signs of allergies, including swelling of the face, tongue, and throat or hives in another part of the body away from the sting. A full-body allergic reaction involves multiple body symptoms, including faintness and a drop in blood pressure. Doctors generally diagnose these allergies by knowing the amount of wasp sting in the body. You can carry an epinephrine auto-injector to use it when the bees or wasps sting. So, it is prefered not to go to the sites where wasps and bees are generally found.

Get Rid of Wasps

There are many sprays available on the market that can be used to get rid of wasps, like wasp and yellow jacket spray. But there are other natural ways that can be used to get rid of wasps.

You can take a spray bottle in which you can make a solution using a quarter amount of water and a half amount of dishwasher detergent. It can be used to spray around the area where you generally find these insects.

You can also mix 20 drops of pure cinnamon extract in this solution to get rid of wasps. You can also use peppermint extract in the water and dishwasher detergent solution to spray on wasp breeding areas.

The smells of dishwasher detergent, cinnamon extract, and peppermint extract are allergic to wasps and can be really effective in getting rid of them.

Controlling the infestation of wasps is not easy, but always try to avoid going to shady and bushy areas and call our wasp nest removal expert in Newcastle when you detect a nest nearby.

In order to ensure good riddance from pests such as wasps, it is best to get professional expertise in the form of All Pest Control, which guarantees effective, qualitative service along with the safety of the customers. Call us now at 0424 286 264 for wasp removal in Newcastle to avail of immediate service.

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    admin August 4, 2020

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